Catamount Womenaid
Request Assistance
Our in-area towns are Barnstead, Deerfield, Epsom, Northwood, Pittsfield, and Strafford. Catamount Womenaid accepts requests for assistance from community validators, such as school nurses, guidance counselors or teachers, welfare directors, doctor's offices, social workers, faith leaders, and community service agencies. We cannot accept a request directly from the person who needs assistance. Our maximum assistance is $1,000. Recipients are eligible once every 24 months. Validators, please complete this form.
If you don't hear back within 24 hours, please send us an email.

We will consider requests from validators on a case-by-case basis. The maximum amount is $500. Please review this list first to ensure there isn't a different Womenaid that covers or is closer to that area. Please don't apply to us if you have already applied to another Womenaid for the same request. At times we will work together and they will reach out to us directly to share, if appropriate.
Here's a list of the other Womenaids in NH:
Womenade of the Hamptons (Hampton, North Hampton, Seabrook)
(website under construction) womenadeofthehamptons@gmail.com
Womenade of Greater Squamscott
Exeter, Stratham, Newfields, Brentwood, East Kingston, Kensington
Greater Bedford Womenade
Bedford, Goffstown, New Boston, and West Manchester
Womenade of Concord
Concord, Bow, Hopkinton, Contoocook, Loudon, Pembroke, Chichester, Canterbury and Boscawen
Durham, Lee, Madbury, and Newmarket
Womenaid of Portsmouth
Greenland, Newington, New Castle, Portsmouth, Rye and Kittery, ME